Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps…Is he an angry little boy, mad at mommy for not saving him from the “big, bad priest?”

Missoula Judge Dusty Deschamps, baffling comments at sentencing, baffling sentences imposed and baffling anger toward women. He is a devout Roman Catholic. Dusty and his friends grew up in Missoula. It was the mid 1950s, and their lives were grounded in the big church at the corner of West Pine and Orange streets.

Judge Deschamps sentenced a transient, homeless woman to one year with the Montana Department of Corrections. However, he ordered her to remain jailed until she can pay $500 in restitution and $240 in court costs.  She's an unemployed transient.  He has never sentenced a man to remain in jail until restitution or court costs have been paid.  It must fall under his, 'It's women that commit this crime' angry diatribe. 

In another recent sentencing comments, Judge Deschamps says "It's women that commit this crime most of the time," District Judge Robert "Dusty" Deschamps III said, according to the transcripts from the January 2018 sentencing hearing included in court filings. "And they commit it big time. And it seems like once they start doing it, they just keep coming back. And she's evidence of that pattern."  The Supreme Court is giving her a new trial.  Even the prosecutor was appalled.

About a year ago, Judge Deschamps sentenced a young woman to a lifetime of evil.  See my previous post, 4/23/2019, Missoula Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps, The Use Of Religious References In Judicial Decision-Making.  Another of his "It's women that commit this crime" angry diatribe. 

A Missoula MT man, Craig Gibson, sexually assaulted a five year old girl on numerous occasions in 2013. The Honorable Judge Robert L. "Dusty" Deschamps sentenced Craig Gibson to twenty years with the Montana Department of Corrections, with all but five years suspended.  Judge Deschamps recommended Gibson be placed in the community of Missoula while he is under DOC supervision.  No prison time, he just has to pay for the child's counseling.  There was no  "It's men that commit this crime" angry diatribe. "And they commit it big time. And it seems like once they start doing it, they just keep coming back. And he's evidence of that pattern."  No, Judge Deschamps even allowed the sexual deviant to keep his facebook page up with pictures of the victim posted online.  See my previous post  Missoula’s Honorable Judge, Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps and A Little Girl’s Picture Book Story. 

Dusty and his friends grew up in Missoula. It was the mid 1950s, and their lives were grounded in the big church at the corner of West Pine and Orange streets. The boys were all born around 1944. By mid 1950 they were all 9-11 years old, their lives centered around St Xavier Catholic Church in Missoula Mt.

Priest's name accused of molesting boys at St Xavier Church and year served during the young lives of Dusty and his friends.
     1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 
 Geis  X    X   X     X     X   X    X    X
 Harris                         X    X    X    X    X   X    
 Callan               X     X
 O'Grady                        X    X

It is a terrible time in the history of the Catholic Church and the history of this country. Countless lives have been destroyed. The cycle of abuse has destroyed families, has destroyed the lives of collateral abuse victims. Some victims have continued to victimize and have become perpetrators. Victims of abuse have gone on to victimize in many ways. The power to victimize is manifest in many ways. Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps has been a prosecutor, a special prosecutor traveling the State of Montana, and a judge in Missoula County MT. His power to victimize is manifest in many ways. His angry diatribes “It’s women that commit this crime most of the time. And they commit it big time. And it seems like once they start doing it, they just keep coming back. And she’s evidence of that pattern.” This diatribe is not attributed to crimes committed by men, only women.

Is Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps carrying long held anger at women for not protecting him? Is Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps prosecuting, sentencing and violating the law to punish women? The power to abuse from childhood abuse is manifest in many ways. Did Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps find a way to punish women for not protecting him as a child? Is he mad at mommy for not protecting him? Ask this question before you cast your next vote to re-elect him as judge.

Missoula Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps, The Use Of Religious References In Judicial Decision-Making

Judge Dusty Deschamps has described himself as a devout Roman Catholic. As a devout Roman Catholic, Judge Deschamps follows the tenets and creeds of the Roman Catholic Church. In a recent sentencing hearing for Autumn Heinz, Judge Deschamps sentenced Ms Heinz to a 20 year commitment with the Department of Corrections and restitution in the amount of $461,000.00. He also made the following comments in a written decision: “You seem to be on the right track, and I don’t see any point in locking you up just to punish you . You’re going to have to carry this cross the rest of your life.”

Comments like these betray a belief about the origin of suffering. While it may allow Judge Deschamps to make religious sense of pain, it is in the end a devastating lie against the very identity of God. St. John Paul II, in his encyclical Salvifici Doloris, clearly reaffirmed the Church’s constant teaching that suffering is always an evil. Let that sink in for a minute. Suffering is ALWAYS an evil. It does not have its origin in God. God, in His mercy, works all things to good, including evil (Romans 8:28). In his written decision, Judge Dusty Deschamps, through his use of religious references in his judicial decision-making and through his proclaimed catholicism, sentenced Ms Heinz to a life time of suffering, hence evil. Judge Deschamps won’t sentence her to prison but rather he sentences her to his own religious belief.

Where it’s not necessarily wrong to refer to some problem we are having as a “cross” we must bear, in Jesus’ day, a cross was a symbol of suffering. According to St. John Paul II suffering is always evil.

But Jesus meant something far deeper than this when He told His disciples to carry their cross. He said to them, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). In Jesus’ day, a cross wasn’t just a symbol of pain and suffering; it was mainly a symbol of death. What Jesus was telling them is that they needed to put to death their own plans and desires, and then turn their lives over to Him and do His will every day.

Judge Deschamps is actually sentencing Ms Heinz, in accordance with his own religious belief, that she needs to carry her cross, turn her life over to Jesus and do His will every day. If Ms Heinz had been Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist would he have injected his intolerant religious beliefs? Would he tell the Jewish person, the Muslim or the Buddhist to pick up the cross of Christ? He can’t discriminate judicially based on religion, so my answer would be, yes, he would tell the non-christian to pick up the cross of Christ.

Missoula prides itself on its’ inclusiveness, tolerance and acceptance of all. Judge Robert L. “Dusty” Deschamps does not embrace the ideals of Missoula. The use of religious references in judicial decision-making jeopardizes the integrity of the criminal justice system and, if not proscribed, encourages further use of the Bible by judges and other officers of the court.

Does Missoula really need the intolerant judicial decisions of Judge Deschamps? If Missoula really believes in tolerance, inclusion and acceptance of all, Missoula needs to rid itself of this intolerant religious judge.