The Profit in Montana Corrections- Community Counseling Corrections – Butte PreRelease

The Montana Department of Corrections contracts with private companies to provide correctional facilities within the state.  Not for profit corrections sounds good, sounds charitable and sounds like a good deal for Montana tax payers.  These are criminals and convicts.  Why should you care?

The State of Montana pays CCCS Inc (Community Counseling Corrections – Butte Pre-Release Center) 30 million dollars a year.  That’s why you should care.  CCCS Inc. is a registered non profit company providing services to incarcerated people.   See Income Tax Form 990 FY 7/1/2014 – 6/30/2015.

Let’s first look at some salaries in Montana Corrections.
Leroy Kirkegard – Warden Montana State Prison – $45.63 per hour
Joan Daly-Shinners – Warden Montana Women’s Prison – $44.20 per hour
Mike Thatcher – CEO at CCCS Inc. (non profit) – $119.00 per hour
Perry Hawbecker-Chief Financial Officer CCCS (non profit)- $58.61 per hour
Steve McArthur – Director Programming CCCS (non profit) – $62.85 per hour

$119.00 per hour salary for a CEO of a non profit organization in Montana.   This salary is paid by your taxes to run a non profit correctional facility.  CCCS Inc won’t even pay their own taxes to support their own salaries.


Parcel Number:  0002020200

Status:  Delinquent

Type:  RE



Tax Year Statement# Bill Date Bill Amount Date Paid ** Paid Amount Notes
2016 19524 11/01/2016 $917.86 $0.00
2015 19552 10/15/2015 $897.84 $0.00
2014 14850 10/10/2014 $851.74 11/28/2014
2013 17096 10/18/2013 $797.88 12/13/2013
2012 15933 10/19/2012 $705.08 12/6/2012

Montana tax payers should not be paying salaries for private contract correctional facilities that are double the salaries for government run correctional facilities.  If Montana is really looking at reducing correctional costs then we need to look at how tax money is being spent.  This is how we are spending our money, doubling salaries for private correctional facilities.  Does Montana really want to support exorbitant salaries or should we stop private corrections in Montana?



Free Prison Labor for a 7 Billion Dollar a Year Corporation – The Mormon Church

In a different segment of society outside of “Christianity” this is called pimping and exploitation.  Inside the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this is a way to avoid excommunication.

For the last 10 years the Mormons have enlisted prisoners to “volunteer” to index genealogical records.  For their labors they are paid nothing by a 7 billion dollar a year tax-exempt corporation.

Church members who are convicted of a crime face disfellowshipping during which time they must repent or be excommunicated.  Volunteering for the genealogy project would prevent excommunication.  The free labor is looked at favorably when the inmates come up for parole.  Work for the church for free or get denied parole.

Mike Judson, who is in charge of recruiting the data entry volunteers, said the main reason prisoners sign up for the work is the “good feeling that comes from it.”  I assure Mr. Judson that kissing your pompous christian ass to get a bone to throw the parole board does not make a prisoner feel good.  These prisoners are reduced to the lowest common denominator, abused, and forced to live in the hell of prison.  After they are reduced to a non-human status they are required to work for the Mormon Church in order to survive and get released.

Here is the accompanying article.  Come to your own decision.

Ericsphotography/iStockPhoto; Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock; Photo illustration: Mother Jones

Twenty miles outside Salt Lake City, a massive man-made bunker known as The Vault stretches nearly 700 feet into a mountain of granite. Sealed behind colossal doors designed to survive a nuclear attack, the climate-controlled cavern is home to the world’s largest collection of genealogical records—3.5 billion at last count. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been collecting these records since the late 1800s so its members may identify and posthumously baptize ancestors who might then join them in the afterlife. The public isn’t allowed inside The Vault. But many of its holdings, which include everything from US census records to Jamaican marriage certificates, are available for free on the church’s FamilySearchwebsite, which has information on more than 4 billion people.

Before they can be used to track down long-gone relatives, the church’s records first must be indexed so they’re searchable. Even with thousands of volunteers entering information from scanned documents, the church can’t process the data fast enough. “People come and they go,” says Mike Judson, who’s in charge of recruiting data entry volunteers. “They do a little bit here, a little bit there.” So the church has tapped into a more consistent source of labor: prisoners.

For about a decade, the Mormons have enlisted inmates in two Utah prisons to index records, explains Paul Starkey, the church’s manager of indexing operations. Prisoners who get a job scanning government documents earn between $0.60 and $1.75 an hour. Yet those doing genealogical work for the church are considered volunteers and are not paid a dime.

Last year, inmates supervised by missionaries processed 7.5 million archived records.

For Mormon inmates, who make up a third of Utah’s prison population, the Family History Project provides an important link to the church. Church members who are convicted of a crime may be “disfellowshipped” or put on a probationary period during which they must repent or be excommunicated. Volunteering for the genealogy project “would certainly help” prevent excommunication, says Michael Wilder, an ex-Mormon and former High Councilmember.

Non-Mormon inmates have more temporal reasons to volunteer in the prison “family history centers.” Greg Johnson, the administrative coordinator of the Utah Parole Board, says the work may be looked at favorably when inmates come up for parole. In addition, Judson says it helps them develop important research skills like paleography, the deciphering of historical handwriting.

Over the past three years, the indexing project has expanded to 32 prisons and jails across Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. In 2013, inmates supervised by missionaries and using church-supplied computers processed around 2 million records. Last year, they logged 7.5 million. The church is currently exploring expanding the program to prisons in California, Florida, Ohio, Oregon, and Washington.

The church’s  indexing project has expanded to 32 prisons and jails across Utah, Idaho, and Arizona.

Asked whether non-Mormon inmates were informed that their genealogical work might be used to baptize the dead, Judson replies, “I don’t know what they are told, exactly.” When I tried my hand at indexing documents in the Salt Lake City Family History Center, the volunteers stressed that my efforts would contribute to the publicly accessible FamilySearch database. They were cagey when I asked about posthumous baptism. Originally meant to extend the church’s blessings to church members’ deceased ancestors, the practice has also baptized millions of non-Mormons, including Mahatma Gandhi, Elvis Presley, and Adolf Hitler. In 1995, the church promised to stop the controversial practice of posthumously baptizing Holocaust victims. The church states that the practice is not an imposition since “the validity of a baptism for the dead depends on the deceased person accepting it.”

Judson says that Mormon or no, the main reason inmates sign up to digitize old records is the “good feeling that comes from it.” He also recalls asking an inmate why he participated in the program; the inmate replied, “I would have done anything to get out of my cell.”

(end of article)

Don’t let this program come to Montana.  We are still reeling from Probation and Parole Bureau Chief (former Bishop in the Mormon Church) Ron Alsbury.  This article explains a lot about Alsbury’s thought processes in filling our prisons and jails.  The very last thing Montana prisoners need is to kiss a pompous christian ass to get their freedom and records from the State of Montana.


The Mormon Church – Adolf Hitler over children of same sex marriage

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints issued church doctrine concerning children of same sex marriage.

Children with grubby hands seeking out the most beautiful dandelions to pluck and smelling of sunshine and dirt (anyone that has children knows the smell) present these treasures to the people that love them the most, their moms and dads.  Children with childhood dreams of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.  Children learning of the world around them, why is the sky blue and why is the grass green.  These are beautiful children of God, exuding innocence and excitement of growing into adulthood and becoming what nature intended them to be.  These very tiny people are denied baptism and membership in the church.

Compare this with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints throwing open their sacred temple doors and endowing their sacred rites upon one of the most hated men in the world, Adolf Hitler.  The Mormon Church, denying innocent children, baptized and endowed the highest temple rites upon the man that would take these very children and incarcerate, torture and murder them in unspeakable atrocious acts.  Yes, Adolf Hitler (I’m yelling here).

Adolf Hitler   Put your cursor on Hitler’s name then left click on Hitler’s name to access these sacred endowment records. The Mormon Church has long held these records do not exist.  Here they are for your viewing. Endowment in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a sacred ceremony designed to prepare the person to become a king, queen, priest or priestess in the afterlife.  According to this sacred record Adolf Hitler was endowed and sealed for time and all eternity to Eva Braun.  She can now ride his filthy coattails to Celestial Glory.

Celestial glory for Adolf Hitler.  Exclusion, denial and everlasting judgment on innocent children because they love their moms and dads.  This is so messed up.  What are you thinking leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

I guess I have crossed over to apostasy.  Have at it church, someone has to speak up.  When they came for me there was no one left.


Secret Mormon document to hide employment of illegal immigrants

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has issued a secret directive on how to pay undocumented immigrants without the appearance of employment.  Few people know that the actual name of the church is The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The structure of this tax exempt religious organization is actually a corporation.  Read on to learn how this 7 billion dollar a year corporation directs its corporate members to avoid the appearance of employment while actually deriving the benefit of illegal undocumented worker employment.

Financial assistance for undocumented aliens in the United States (1)  Put your cursor over the underlined words, left click on underlined words to access this secret document.

Note how this seven billion dollar a year corporation provides food, clothing and commodities in exchange for work provided by illegal undocumented workers. This work primarily consists of building and lawn maintenance.  However, the undocumented workers do not keep time cards or work for a specific amount of time or money. If necessary Bishop’s are to pay rent or shelter for illegals.  I don’t know about you but this is what I use my paycheck for.  Employment for a paycheck, just don’t keep records.

Sounds like Montana Probation and Parole Bureau Chief Ron Alsbury has learned from one of the most successful corporations in America.  Incarcerate, violate probationers and parolees, fill up our prisons and jails – just don’t keep records.


Mormon Church conducts secret sacred rites for Native Americans

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has conducted secret sacred rites within the closeted  confines of its temples for Native American warriors and a heroic native woman.  Most Native Americans will never enter these secret temples, only church members that strictly adhere to the beliefs and tenants of the church with special permission from designated men can enter the temples.

The following Native Americans have been baptized and given sacred temple endowments by the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:

  1. Sacajewea
  2. Geronimo
  3. Chief Pocatello
  4. Chief Washakie
  5. Chief Seattle
  6. Chief Oshkosh
  7. Chief Massasoit
  8. Chief Crazy Horse
  9. Chief Cochise
  10. Chief Attakullakulla
  11. Black Elk

    Left click on the name for the temple record for these sacred rites.

    According to Church Apostle Spencer Kimball (see previous post) these brave warriors should be light skinned now because of their baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Spencer Kimball eventually became the 12th Prophet of the Church.  This Prophet of the Church said that Native Americans who converted to Mormonism became lighter skinned.

These temple documents have been hidden away.   Only those that have deep knowledge of the workings of the church know how to access these documents.  I have accessed these documents to further the true understanding of those that follow the tenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Hidden records and secretive policies.

Montana Probation and Parole Bureau Chief Ron Alsbury, former Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, instituted the same secret policies for Probation and Parole that he learned from the church.  He has hidden away records vital to the re-entry of inmates.  Most probationers and parolees would be surprised to find that their files are incomplete and essential information has been hidden away.

You go Montana, just keep pumping money into a system with secret failed policies because secret always works.  Anyway that’s what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints thought when they hid the files of secret sacred rites conducted on Native Americans- that was until those files were accessed.

Montana Department of Corrections Sin of Dark Skin

The 2017 Montana State Legislature is attempting to pass House Bill 133.  This bill is intended to combat overcrowding in jails and prisons.  Governor Bullock recently signed into effect a package of bills attempting to combat overcrowding in jails and prisons.  In 2015, Senate Bill 224 created the Montana Commission on Sentencing to combat overcrowding in jails and prisons.  Probation and Parole Bureau Chief Ron Alsbury has left a legacy burdened with suffering, crowded jails and prisons and a huge cost to taxpayers. ( Reigned as Bureau Chief from 2003 – 2015)

Ron Alsbury is a devoted member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints (the Mormons).  Central to their religion is a “sacred” text called the Book of Mormon.  Within the pages of the Book of Mormon are the beliefs and commandments that members of the church strictly adhere to.

Ron Alsbury and I studied the same Book of Mormon.  This is what we were taught (the scripture included is from the Book of Mormon):  In the “Book of Mormon” dark skin is a sign of God’s curse, while white skin is a sign of his blessing.  The book tells of a conflict between two lost tribes of Israel, the Lamanites ( dark skin, text added) and the Nephites (white skin, text added), who journeyed to the New World and made their home in Mesoamerica.  The Lamanites sinned against God, and “because of their iniquity…the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them” (2 Nephi 5:21).   According to Church doctrine the Lamanites are the forefather of the Native American Indians. Church Apostle Spencer Kimble, in a general conference meeting, said that Native Americans who converted to Mormonism were gradually becoming lighter skinned.

The Book of Mormon tells of a great war between the Lamanites and the Nephites in approximately 400 AD and the Lamanites (dark skin) killed all the Nephites (white skin).  2  Nephi 5:24 “And because of their cursing…they did become an idle people, full of mischief and subtlety, and did seek in the wilderness for beasts of prey.  Enos 1:20 “The Lamanites…were led by their evil nature that they became wild, and ferocious, and a bloodthirsty people, full of idolatry and filthiness, feeding upon beasts; dwelling in tents and wandering about in the wilderness with a short girdle about their loins and their heads shaven, and their skill was in the bow, and in the cimeter, and the ax.  And many of them did eat nothing save it was raw meat; and they were continually seeking to destroy us.”  Alma 17:13-14 “And it came to pass when they had arrived in the borders of the land of the Lamanites, that they separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of the harvest, for they supposed that great was the work which they had undertaken.  And assuredly it was great, for they had undertaken to preach the word of God to a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people; a people who delighted in murdering the Nephites and robbing and plundering them; and their hearts were set upon riches or upon gold and silver, and precious stones; yet they sought to obtain these things by murdering and plundering, that they might not labor for them with their own hands.”  This is what Ron Alsbury learned about the Lamanites aka the Native Americans.  This is from a sacred text strictly adhered to by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Let’s look at Ron Alsbury’s statisics while he was Probation and Parole Bureau Chief.  Ron Alsbury was Bureau Chief of Montana Probation and Parole from 2003 – 2015.  Let’s look at his statistics: From FY2009-2015 the raw increase of Parole violations was 241%.  The American Indian population accounts for an astounding  27% of the 241% increase. (see Montana Dept of Justice Arrest Data, FY2009-FY2015)  In 2003, the year Alsbury took reign, there was an immediate increase of 8% male return rate to prison (from 39% to 47%)  and an astounding 11% increase of recidivism rate (from 38% to 49%).  This is one year!!  ( see Montana Commission on Sentencing, March 2016)

I find it preposterous to believe that Ron Alsbury’s staunch belief and strict adherence to the sacred text of the Book of Mormon has anything to do with the astounding recidivism rate and probation and parole violations of the Native American population.

Montana need look no further than the statistics of Ron Alsbury.  Perhaps we need to take another look at Homeland Terrorism.

Montana Department of Corrections – A Shameful Failure

Gov Steve Bullock recently signed a package of bills to reduce recidivism within the Montana Dept of Corrections.  In 2015 the Legislature signed into effect Senate Bill 224 to review practices, policies and to reduce recidivism within the Montana Dept of Corrections.  A great deal of effort, money and time has been necessary to overcome Montana Bureau Chief Ron Alsbury’s failed practices, policies and secretive administration.

Ron Alsbury was Bureau Chief of Montana Probation and Parole from 2003 – 2015.  Let’s look at his statistics: From FY2009-2015 the raw increase of Parole violations was 241%.  The American Indian population accounts for an astounding  27% of the 241% increase. (see Montana Dept of Justice Arrest Data, FY2009-FY2015)  In 2003, the year Alsbury took reign, there was an immediate increase of 8% male return rate to prison (from 39% to 47%)  and an astounding 11% increase of recidivism rate (from 38% to 49%).  This is one year!!  ( see Montana Commission on Sentencing, March 2016)

Ron Alsbury is a devoted member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ( the Mormons).  Ron was raised in a culture, within the church, that dark skin was a sign of sin.  I believe it to be preposterous that Bishop Ron Alsbury would allow his religious beliefs to bleed into his responsibilities as Bureau Chief of Montana Probation and Parole.  Therefore, I again find it preposterous that the astounding and inequitable increase of American Indians that are violated and returned to prison had anything to do with these personal beliefs.

Ron Alsbury maintained a secretive policy of hiding probation and parole files. (see P&P 40-3 section F,  Probation and Parole field file management)  Probation officers are refused access to these files.  All the talking and meeting, all the bills legislated, and all the money spent preventing recidivism is useless and wasted when we hide the very information necessary for prisoner re-entry.  Private contract Pre-Release centers are not even required to submit treatment records, medical records or records concerning the inmate’s activity at the Pre-Release when the inmate is released to Probation and Parole.  Probation and Parole officers blindly accept the inmate without any knowledge of what transpired while the inmate was incarcerated at the Private Contract Pre-Release Center. Re-entry cannot be successful.  This failure to provide records falls squarely on Ron Alsbury’s shoulders. All the legislation in the world cannot correct policies and procedures as instituted by Ron Alsbury.

Can recidivism be reversed?  Yes, but only by understanding what is the true problem.  Files and investigations cannot be hidden from the convicted and from the probation officer.  Private contract Pre-Release Centers and prisons must be held accountable for maintaining and transferring records to assist in re-entry programs.  Imagine going to a doctor for a referral and not having any records.  The doctor would not be able to give professional assistance without records.  The same goes for a person released from incarceration without records.  There cannot be professional assistance without records.  Legislate away Montana, waste money and fill up those prisons.  Ron Alsbury’s tenure will leave a lasting impact on Montana and it’s families.  Secretive policies will always fail.  Recidivism will continue to rise as it did under Ron Alsbury and Montana will continue to pay the costs.