Private Corrections In Montana – The Joke Is On Montana

The Montana Department of Corrections contracts with Community Counseling and Correctional Services Inc. (CCCS Inc), also known as the Butte PreRelease Center, to provide correctional services in Montana.  CCCS Inc also operates the Bismarck ND Transitional Center.  CCCS Inc is a private not for profit correctional provider that pays exorbitant salaries to its’ executive officers at taxpayer expense.

CCCS Inc contracts with the Montana Department of Corrections for a per diem  rate of $53.03 for each incarcerated male.  There are 120 male beds at the Butte center.  CCCS Inc contracts for a per diem rate of $62.27 for each incarcerated female.  There are 55 female beds at the Butte center.  Apparently being a female is a pre-existing condition and therefore costs more to treat.

CCCS Inc recently contracted with Bismarck ND Transitional Center to incarcerate and treat offenders at a per diem rate of $48.00 per day.  This per diem rate is $5.03 per day less for each North Dakota incarcerated male than for each Montana incarcerated male.  The cost of living in North Dakota is comparable to the cost of living in Montana.

At $5.03 per day for 120 beds, Montana is paying $603.60 more per day for the same service than North Dakota is paying.  At $5.03 per day for 120 beds, Montana is paying $220,314.00 more per year for the same service to the same not for profit company than North Dakota is paying.  North Dakota sure has better negotiating skills than Kevin Olson, Administrator for Montana Probation and Parole.

Montanans love their North Dakotan jokes.  It seems the joke is on Montana.  We are paying almost a quarter of a million dollars a year more to the same company for the same service.  Eh, just raise Montana taxes, that will cover it.


Montana Corruption – Profit in Private Corrections

Montana Department of Corrections contracts with private tax exempt corporations for correctional facilities.  These private facilities are not accountable to Montana tax payers for exorbitant salaries paid to executive officers.  See what your tax dollars are paying for.

Here are some facts about private corrections in Montana.  All information is obtained from Form 990 Department of Treasury IRS as filed by each charitable organization.

Community Counseling and Corrections Inc (Butte Pre-Release) Executive Salaries based on 40 hour work week.
Mike Thatcher - $247,901.00
Perry Hawbaker - $121,917.00
Steve McArthur - $130,729.00
TOTAL   $500,547.00

Boyd Andrew Community Services Executive Salaries based on 40 hour work week.
Amy Tenney - $124,431.00
Sue Carroll - $164,326.00
Michael Ruppert - $371,475.00
Boyd Andrew Management Service - $953,981.00
TOTAL     $1,614,213.00

Missoula Correctional Services Executive Salaries based on 40 hour work week
Sue Wilkins  $121,228.00
TOTAL     $121,228.00

Alternatives Inc. Executive Salaries based on 40 hour work week except Donna Clinger who works 25 hours per week.
Nancy Good - $140,261.00
Jorge Diaz - $112,128.00
Fresia Skoczypec - $105,995.00
Donna Clinger - $67,592.00
TOTAL     $425,976.00

Great Falls Pre-Release Services Executive Salaries based on 40 hour work week
Paul Corey - $81,210.00
TOTAL   $81,210.00

COMBINED TOTAL FOR EXECUTIVE SALARIES FOR 5 PRIVATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES:   $2,743,174.00. This total does not include staff salaries, just the executives.

These exorbitant salaries are paid by Montana tax payers. Private corrections is profiting from human suffering with exorbitant salaries paid to a few.  There is nothing charitable or not for profit about these tax exempt corporations.  We must stop this travesty of the lies of charitable good works.  Stop private corrections in Montana and stop the lies concocted to keep these facilities operating for the good of a few.

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