“Power intoxicates men. When a man is intoxicated by alcohol, he can recover, but when intoxicated by power, he seldom recovers.” James F. Byrnes. Community Counseling and Correctional Services, (CCCS Inc.)

Deep in the center of Montana lies the refreshingly authentic community of Lewistown. Intersected by a beautiful, spring-fed stream, encircled by gentle island mountain ranges and surrounded by Montana’s natural beauty, Lewistown is a premier destination for fishing, hunting, hiking and biking. Showcasing the heart of a Western lifestyle, Lewistown is the perfect place to find your center. Intoxicated with power from which it seems it cannot recover, Community Counseling and Correctional Services Inc (CCCS Inc) has found its center or so they continue to pretend.

CCCS Inc and its dummy company Montana Behavioral Health Inc is a failing institution. They are hemorrhaging money, losing investments for failure to pay property taxes and closing treatment centers. And yet, CCCS Inc owns a beautiful vacation home deep in the center of Montana on a beautiful golf course surrounded by premier fishing, hunting, biking and hiking. CCCS Inc is also a private contract, non-profit prison. Oh, the profit in non-profit.

This 3360 square foot vacation home has vaulted ceilings, 5 bedrooms and three baths. As with all facilities owned by CCCS Inc. it is carefully staged but deteriorating. There are dead birds on the property, the exterior is in need of repair and of course abandoned. This abandoned property is valued at $330,000.00, one third of a million dollars. One third of a million dollars of taxpayers money. Montana tax payers believed this money would be invested in drug and alcohol treatment for a better Montana. Instead taxpayers got an abandoned deteriorating home.

“Power intoxicates men. When a man is intoxicated by alcohol, he can recover, but when intoxicated by power, he seldom recovers.” James F. Byrnes.

Why is this information important? Montana’s well-vetted legislators are closing the drug and alcohol treatment center at the state prison to send prisoners to CCCS Inc treatment centers. This includes Nexus Treatment Center in Lewistown. Montana is planning on investing millions of dollars into a company that just lost a 2 million dollar property to a California company speculating in delinquent property taxes. CCCS Inc owns a deteriorating abandoned vacation home valued at one third of a million dollars. Two million, three hundred and thirty thousand dollars of tax payer money, designated to treat Montana prisoners, squandered by the intoxication of power. And yet Montana continues to send millions of dollars to a company intoxicated by power from which it will never recover.

CCCS Inc uses the “higher power” concept in its treatment programs. With this concept many are able to recover from the intoxication of addiction. Luke 4:23 Physician, heal thyself. Before attempting to correct others, CCCS Inc needs to be sure they aren’t guilty of the same faults. The intoxication of power.

CCCS Inc cannot heal others until they heal themselves. The intoxication of power has led to a failing company and Montana continues to pour millions of dollars into an intoxicated failing company.

What is the answer? Two million, three hundred thousand squandered dollars would go a long way in helping people to transition out of prison. We have to give people hope. Hope for a better way of life through housing, jobs, medication and community treatment. We have to give people a belief that they are better than the worst thing they did. Despite the millions of dollars poured into CCCS Inc, CCCS Inc cannot give people the hope they need. They can’t heal their own faults, how can they give hope to others.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu

The gateway to drug and alcohol addiction is childhood abuse. Let’s give hope to these people, not millions of dollars to a failing intoxicated company. Give hope through help. Use the money to actually help people transition.