Montana Department of Justice. Attorney General Tim Fox’s 5 Million Dollar IT Consultants With Ties To Iranian Money Laundering and E-mail Hacks

The mission of the Department of Justice is protecting and promoting public safety and the rule of law. DOJ has nearly 800 people in eight divisions. According to Governor Steve Bullock’s Executive Budget, fiscal years 2018-2019, IT is critical to every aspect of the Department of Justice mission. The IT mission is to deliver, maintain, and protect IT solutions, collaboratively with customers, which are cost-effective, timely, innovative, integrated, and secure and meet or exceed customer needs. The majority of DOJ IT systems contain very sensitive information, support continuous law enforcement operations, and interface with the FBI, and therefore they have very stringent security and uptime requirements.

In fiscal years 2016 through 2018, The Department of Justice, under Attorney General Tim Fox, spent $5,000,000.00 for Information Technology Consulting.  25% of this $5,000,000.00 was paid to a consulting firm  Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited commonly referred to as Deloitte.  Deloitte has quite a checkered reputation.  Let's take a look at how Deloitte protects and promotes public safety and the rule of law, as declared to be the mission of the Montana Department of Justice

Deloitte operates across the world in more than 100 locations including Hong Kong, China and India. In the late 1990’s, Deloitte commenced operations in India. In India, ICAI regulations do not permit foreign firms to carry out audits in India. Hence Deloitte carries out audits in India under the name of C.C.Chokshi & Co., an existing auditing firm that it arranged an agreement with. After India was forced to liberalise under one of the conditions of the world bank and IMF sponsored bail out, Deloitte was granted a license to operate in India. It subsequently purchased C.C.Chokshi & Co and now conducts audits in India under the name of this firm.

In August 2012, Deloitte, as the official internal auditors for Standard Chartered, helped the bank cover up money laundering operations related to Iran which were earning the bank significant profits by “intentionally omitting critical information”. Deloitte paid the state of New York a $10 million settlement, was required not to take on new business for one year from designated New York banks, and was required to implement reforms in order to prevent similar problems in the future. 

In September 2017, Deloitte suffered a cyber attack that breached the confidentiality of its clients and 244,000 staff, allowing the attackers to access “usernames, passwords, IP addresses, architectural diagrams for businesses and health information”. Reportedly, Deloitte had stored the affected data in Microsoft’s Azure cloud hosting service, without two-step verification. The attackers were thought to possibly have had access from as early as October 2016. The breach affected all of Deloitte’s email and administrative user accounts. As of October 2017, the New York attorney general’s office was investigating the hack. The New York Attorney General is investigating the hack, not the Montana Attorney General, a probable victim of the attack.

The mission of the Montana Department of Justice is to protect and promote public safety and the rule of law. Deloitte, an Information Technology Consulting firm, has ties to a bank that laundered money to Iran, paid a $10 million dollar settlement and was restrained from doing business in New York. This while being paid $1,272,000.00 from the Montana Department of Justice.

The mission of the Montana Department of Justice is to protect and promote public safety and the rule of law. This is their mission while paying over 1 million dollars to Deloitte after Deloitte was hacked because they negligently stored sensitive information using a cloud hosting service. Information Technology is critical to every aspect of the Department of Justice mission. The New York Attorney General investigates, not the Montana Attorney General who was a probable victim of the attack. The Montana Department of Justice has information on almost every Montanan, whether it be a driver’s license, vehicle plates, fingerprints for background checks, driver-history records, vehicle titling and criminal justice records. All this information was comprised by the IT firm hired by Attorney General Tim Fox. Did you know? The breach affected all of Deloitte’s email and administrative user accounts.

The Montana Department of Justice, under the leadership of Attorney General Tim Fox, is making a mockery of justice. Iranian money laundering, fraudulent companies in India, Information Technology standards that don’t conform to industry standards. The probable release of sensitive information of almost every adult in Montana. Did you know? Now you do. Your tax money is paying for this mockery of justice.

Butte Pre-Release and Alleged Sex Offender, Dr. Patrick McGree

December 28, 2017, prosecutors charged Dr. Patrick McGree, a longtime family physician in Butte, with two felony counts of sexual intercourse without consent, three counts of sexual servitude, and two counts of misdemeanor sexual assault.

McGree has been a physician in Butte for 31 years, working from an office on South Clark Street in recent years and also practicing at the North American Indian Alliance clinic in Butte.

Eric Sell, with the Department of Justice, confirmed that Dr. Patrick McGree, a family practice physician, is under investigation. Sell said the Butte-Silver Bow County sheriff’s office requested the state to investigate McGree in late December 2016. The Montana Department of Justice discloses that Dr. McGree operated a private clinic and also practiced at the North American Indian Alliance clinic in Butte. What the Montana Department of Justice does not disclose is that Dr. McGree also practiced at the Women’s Center at the Butte Pre-Release, Community Corrections and Counseling Services Inc (CCCS Inc).

Community Corrections and Counseling Services Inc (CCCS Inc) filed forms 990 with the IRS. Form 990 shows CCCS Inc paid Dr. McGree, as an independent contractor, $140,500.00 for services provided to the women at the center in 2015.
In 2016, CCCS Inc paid Dr. McGree $139,350.00 and in 2017, after the state began investigating Dr McGree for sexual assault and sexual servitude, CCCS Inc paid Dr. McGree $117,500.00 for services to the women at the Butte Pre-Release.

The Montana Department of Justice investigators, through their investigation, knew or should have known that women at the Butte Pre-Release were possible victims of sexual servitude to Dr. McGree. Community Corrections and Counseling Services Inc. (Butte Pre-Release) knew or should have known that Dr. McGree was under investigation from December 2016 for sexual assault and sexual servitude and continued to force women in 2017 to possible sexual assault and sexual servitude for services provided to the women under the care of CCCS Inc. Montana Department of Corrections knew or should have known that the women at Butte Pre-Release were being subjected to possible sexual assault and sexual servitude through services provided by Dr. McGree. All these agencies knew or should have known that the women at the Butte Pre-Release were possible victims of Dr. McGree and failed to identify them as victims.

The Department of Justice, Community Corrections and Counseling Services Inc and the Montana Department of Corrections failed in their duty to protect and identify each possible victim of Dr. McGree, even to the point of forcing these women to actually being possible victims and forcing them into sexual servitude.

The Montana State Legislature should call for an immediate investigation of The Department of Justice, Community Corrections and Counseling Services Inc and the Montana Department of Corrections for failure to disclose this information to prosecutors. All victims from the Butte Pre-Release need to be identified and provided with the necessary counseling and assistance to help them recover from the trauma inflicted from the actions of Community Counseling and Corrections Inc.

 “The defendant said he wanted the agents to just pull his license and make it easier.” These are women with no voice. Who will be their voice? These women were not sentenced to sexual assault and sexual servitude. It was forced upon them by the people that had power over them. These people now need to be identified.