Oregon Militiamen, Mormonism and Our Public Schools

A cautionary tale for parents and students of Montana Public Schools.  Are your children being programmed to radical Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) theology?  Are your children coming home with certain innocent key phrases that you don’t even pay attention to?  Here are some key phrases you should be tuning into and why they are steeped in radical Mormon theology taught in your schools to your children.

1) The White Horse (refers to the White Horse Prophecy)
2) The Constitution is hanging by a thread.(Precursor for the White Horse)
Variations:1) Shredding the Constitution 2) Tramping on liberties
                    3) Betraying the Founders
3) Secret Combinations (Mormon euphemism for Satanic conspirators)
4) National Center for Constitutional Studies

Oregon Militiamen LaVoy Fincum, Ammon Bundy and Ryan Bundy have at least four things in common. They are devout members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), they believe(d) in the White Horse Prophecy, they believe(d)  the United States Government was comprised of secret combinations and they all conspicuously carried pocket copies of the Constitution printed by the National Center for Constitutional Studies. Ammon and Ryan’s father, Clive Bundy, was not at the Oregon occupation but he shared the same beliefs during the Nevada standoff with the government and his family.

The nation misunderstood the real meaning behind the standoff.  The White Horse Prophecy, first attributed to the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, reveals “the time would come when the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and if the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the elders of this Church.”  

LaVoy Fincum, Clive Bundy, Ammon Bundy, and Ryan Bundy were attempting to bring forth the White Horse Prophecy and, being Elders of the Mormon Church, were going to save the Constitution from the secret combinations of the Government.  Fincum made references to “The Title of Liberty” a story from the Book of Mormon in which the Nephites had to stand and fight for their liberty, religion and land.  Another Mormon occupier, Dylan Anderson, used Captain Moroni (the last remaining Nephite who hid the golden plates for Joseph Smith to find and translate the Book of Mormon) as his alias when talking to reporters.

Before the occupation Ammon Bundy said the constitution was “hanging by a thread” an allusion to the White Horse Prophecy, wherein Mormons would have to come forth and save the Constitution.  Glenn Beck and Senator Orin Hatch are often heard sending this coded message.  Most Americans that have heard this think of it as just another overblown commentary and think nothing of it.  To those familiar with the White Horse Prophecy, it is an unmistakable signal.  It is the calling to Mormon Elders to come forth and save the Constitution.

W. Cleon Skousen wrote the pocket constitution (see the cover page at the top of this post.)  This interpretation of the constitution is a fraudulent, pseudo-historical pamphlet.  Skousen believed the Constitution was based on a Christian theocracy and the Federal Government had no authority.  He drew his inspiration from the John Birch Society that was co-founded by the Koch brother’s father.  Throughout the pamphlet, in the margins, is Mormon theocracy and in coded language calling forth the Mormon Elders to save this land and Constitution.  The Center for Constitutional Studies was founded by Mormons and is headquartered in Idaho,

Florida distributed over 80,000 copies of this pseudo constitution to school age children before the Tampa Bay Times clued them into the notes and annotations by Skousen,

Sit down with your children.  Ask them if they have heard any of the phrases mentioned.  Check their school and homework and see if any of the phrases are included in the work.  If your child comes home with a pocket constitution with the picture shown at the beginning of this post go immediately to your school board.  Don’t let secret coded radical Mormon theology influence your children.

The nation got it wrong once, the standoffs were not about grazing rights, and federal overreach.  They were coded messages to the Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy.  Don’t let that misunderstanding reach into the classroom.